Depression leads to no progression

Image result for depressionThere are times you just wish so many things can happen just in one day and at the end of the day you go back to that same bed ,crying ,listening to music to cheer you up ,you decide to eat ,you still feel down .Image result for depression

you tried partying having fun ,you go back to that same bed all sad thinking of the past ,good memories you shared and wish it could come back .

You want to get married ,have some couple of kids with a good man ,get a nice paying job and want it to be real .
Image result for depression
You have been married for like 3 years and above and been turned up side down , a single mom , no money what ever the problem that is making you depress you just have to let go.

you wrote an exam it didn't turn up and you feel so pathetic about the result , you just need to move on accept that it has happen  and you need to find a solution ,crying wont solve anything it will only bring out water .

I used to be these depressed kind of lady that cries on her bed all day wondering if there is something wrong with and I had to sit down and ask myself where exactly am I going to with these attitude I need to be happy and positive .

I decided to embrace the positive side of me ,friends and family be happyImage result for depression

find out what am so good in like blogging I enjoy writing .

more from my post

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Do you want a jobless man or a real man ?

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