Jobless Guy / Real Guy

Image result for joblees guys
I just cant stop laughing  at these title 'Do you want a Jobless Guy or a Real Guy

 ' How do you feel when you meet these sexy ,handsome ,georgeous guy it can be at Church ,School, Neighborhood, Party  name it all feel the spark the relationship is getting so deeper and you want to truly believe you are with the right person and you found out he is jobless'

what would be your reactions ?Image result for joblees guys

share your answer on these post ,

As for me I would be really piss and the worst is when you found out he keeps lying telling you is got a job , the truth he has a sexy body that keep you awake at night is that going to take care of your family .

just sex

I love saying story ok, so am going to share you these fascinating story are you ready hmmn  when I met Matthew at lds .

A religion course that am studying to know about God ,have been so blessed and privilege to know about these gospel am not perfect ,striving to become one .
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I was crushing on him big time I didn't even know we will end up dating ,he ask me out ,it was a beautiful night the weather was so cool ,he ask if we could go out together ,he want to love me , be my boyfriend my response was YES .

I had to grab the opportunity to get to meet my crush , while dating him I realize he was fabricating some stories and he loves talking about mission life , he is so damn sexy , I really did love him ,wanted to take things slow and I found  out he is jobless .

How I got to know was the fact he kept telling me he has an apartment and is been on renovation for the past one year is a mariner that involves in oil , he is 27 years blah blah .

Which was all lies , I call it DECEPTION .

I felt for a great body but jobless guy who is not ready to work , all he does is talk about great people what about him ,I can leave with that kind of man ,I had to call it quit ,he kept calling that period I was engaged no more and I had to use that proudly to scare him '

I hope you enjoyed my short story , no happy ending , you have been dating these guy and you find out he has no job and he just want to spend your money .

I will advise you let go ,forget about him and move on honey is not for you ,if you think changing a man is the solution you are wasting your energy ,use it for something good not that ,if that guy loves you he will be ready to change ,tell you about is goals and ask for your advice there are great guys all around you just need to open your eyes .Image result for REAL GUY

The truth is Ladies stop looking for a perfect guy, you just going to meet the wrong guy , and you keep getting lot of heartbreak , no one is perfect even you , all you just have to do is when you meet a guy get to know him better not because he is handsome has a great body , sexy ,he buys you the most expensive gift ,instead find out what he does ,is it farming , what is so passionate about ,try to make him better as he does the same for you .Image result for joblees guys

Guys know how to capture a lady with lies and when they feel you want lies they give it to you if you want the truth is your choice .Image result for REAL GUY

A great guy is someone who brings the best in you , stay during good and bad times never letting go ,he is not a one night stand guy , he is not a guy that want to break you he loves seeing when you are showing your true self but you don't just know and when you tell him ,you don't know me ,he tells you with love in his eyes and says I do know you and list those attitude of yours .

I hope you enjoyed reading my article

coming next

Choice , a great movie to learn and be inspire .
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