Walk To Remember



Here is the Second Short Novela I wrote in my adolescent years , while reading this now I am just smiling I hope as you purchase this one I will get to also share with you my first one I wrote

Read this second Novela first 👇

A Walk To Remember


My name is Stephanie Babara I and my friends went on a trip without informing our loved ones.

While we were on road, pondering about about our lives after the trip, eventually we were at Southern Vilage.

My friends were Nora, Elizabeth and Perry,we carried along our traveling boxes and backpack filled with food, camptent, cloth,underwears and other things we needed for the trip .

While walking on the island, we saw an empty house and decided to move in,  I cleaned the sitting room, Nora was cleaning the single bedroom, Elizabeth was cleaning the kitchen and Perry was cleaning the outside of the house.


After cleaning up , we had an agreement on the date we were leaving which is on the sixth day ,  also they chose I stephanie as their captain .

In the evening we were famished and we ate a loaf of bread with butter ,egg and honey , after finished eating with my friends, I decided to build my camp tent outside ,while they stay inside the house as their captain to be watchful,after building the tent I strolled round to get an information about the island , while walking i saw a  small girl who was dressed in white,  walking towards me and wore a cross on my neck, which in my own thought is to protect me from these trip.

To continue reading, click on the link 👇


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