Personal Development, Meaning and why is it really worth it?

 Personal Development, Meaning and why is it really worth it?


Somehow, someway or somewhere we probably come across this concept Personal Development also know and Personal Growth but here is to question to you what it means exactly.

This concept is one of the most relevant topics of all time that is worth commiting a moment of meditation to, with pen and a jotter. It's definitely not as easy as it sounds.

Growth is a process that takes place over the cause of one's life. 

This process is what promotes happiness, mental state and emotional status. 

"If you want to win in life, you must commit yourself to personal growth every single day" - John Maxwell 

As it is normal that this subject matter looks different to everyone,  here's what I say about personal growth.

Personal Growth is permitting yourself to be you. If you want to be a better version of yourself, you must permit yourself to play the puzzles of Growth. If you must grow, you must first realize, then you commit to the procedures.

I strongly believe in purpose, to me, personal development is considering self to achieve purpose or clarity in pursuit of life. It encompasses all aspects of life.

Areas of personal Growth 

Tomake much more sense, it's hard not to regard Maslow hierarchy of needs. Your basic needs need to be accomplished in order to reach your fullest potential. To rephrase, self awareness means we're attaining maximum level of self actualization and self confidence and self growth.

The areas of personal Growth cut across;

Physical growth

A healthy body as a lot to do with effective brain functioning. This aspect of growth affects all other aspects of personal development. Physical growth involves taking care of yourself, keeping yourself physically fit and healthy. You can focus on physical growth by eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly and getting adequate sleep. When you feel better physically, you may find it easier to work more efficiently.

Mental growth

Growth goes beyond the physical form, from mental, to intellectual and social form. Mentally growing simply means focusing on mind growth, such as the way you think and learn as well as how we behave. Mental growth  can as well help increase your rate of productivity especially at your workplace, amongst your team of professionals either as the team leader or as a team member.

Your mental state has huge impact on your social life.

Social Growth

Socially growing include improving Communication skills, listening skills and tolerance and ability to tolerate. The Social growth refers to the development in a person's social skills as they grow. Imagine sustaining a level of maturity and ability to cooperate, considering others' perspectives and ideas, and develop social responsibility. That's social growth!

Emotional Growth

Emotional growth or also known as Emotional intelligence, simply means ability to understand feelings. And not just that, it’s understanding how these feelings shape our thoughts and actions in society of people

"Emotions are an original and integral part of (virtue) ethics. Emotions are an inherent part of our moral reasoning and being, and therefore they should be an inherent part of any moral deliberation." - Aristotle

Other areas of personal growth include, spiritual growth and financial growth among others.


If you must live life to the fullest and consider yourself fulfilled, you must commit to the demands of growth. You don't just grow overnight, you must first realize the need for growth and adopt the key "consistensy".

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