Digital Bimpe Business Opinions In Regards To Customers

It's been a long time since I had to deal with this, but unfortunately, I'm not done. There is this wrong mentality that I really don't know who started it, but customers are not always right.

 Especially those with shitty attitudes who feel like they've made so much money or drive fancy cars that they can disrespect the people who work for them or the customers who don't pay millions for work that's worth thousands. 

They stress and use you, and the funny part is, associations run away from reviewing and testifying for a job done perfectly. That's what we call ingratitude.

I know I'm shaking tables right now, but I have two things to discuss:

Number one: When you call someone to manage your brand, it's important to allow them to do the job or do it yourself. I don't see the point of calling someone to work for you and then micromanaging them. 

I know customers are perfectionists, but if you're going to criticize every piece of work, why did you even call me? And please don't use manipulative tactics like saying my work is good but... Some customers won't make heaven.

Number two: You call someone to run your ads for you, and the next thing you're saying is that the ads aren't converting or you're not seeing quality leads. 

You keep bringing up the point of targeting the right audience, but if you truly know ads, why didn't you do it in the first place? While we're at it, let's not talk about the laziness of some customers who don't follow up on their leads. 

Are you building relationships with your leads, or do you just want them to patronize you?

In conclusion: Some clients want you to do things for them that they can't do themselves. 

Some clients are very lazy and unprofessional and think they know everything. 

But how will they get results when their attitude is that customers are always right? 

Perhaps you could work on your flaws, act respectful and humble, and treat those who work with you kindly. That way, your results will double.

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