Digital Bimpe Interviewed By IBR92.5fm


From working as a receptionist at a radio station in 2019, I was promoted to the programs department. 

However, due to a colleague who was despite my promotions, I was reassigned to the reception desk. 

Then, COVID-19 came and I was asked to choose between my career and my business. I chose Digital Bimpe, and that was the beginning of my real journey to becoming the amazing digital marketing expert I am today.

I am being recognized and interviewed on radio station IBR 92.5FM to share my story. 

Thank you to the amazing Ibadan audience for having me, and to IBR 92.5FM for the great recognition of allowing me to be on your impact business radio show. 

I am honored to be among the tech entrepreneurs who have impacted so many lives, and I know that this is not by my own power, but by the grace of God.

The radio interview questions I responded to were:

* Brief info about yourself

* How did you come by the Internet business?

* What is your area of specialization in tech?

* Your biggest challenges

* How did you overcome them

* How long did it take you to break through?

* What needs to be done as a starter in your line of work?

* What category of people can be successful in it?

Indeed, results speak for me. I truly deserve this recognition, and hard work and consistency pay off. I am a living testimony of a goal-getter and a woman who never gives up and believes in her art. 

Much love from Global Digital Bimpe.



Digital Bimpe Blog

Business Promoter Digital Marketer Business Enquiries: Social Media Handles: @digitalbimpe

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