Number 1 Selection For The Sponsored Digital Bimpe Academt By Four Great Men ( Mr Victor , Mr Daniel , Mr Ameer & Mr Kelvin )
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We have finally come to conclusion of the four individual selected for the sponsored digital bimpe academy by four great men ( Mr Victor , Mr Daniel , Mr Ameer & Mr Kelvin )
As a way of giving back , congratulations to the men and women selected
To others who didn’t get selected as a results of first come , first serve
I realize the power of digital skills education in the number of dms I got
Don’t lose hope
Stay positive
You can still have another chance when someone else sponsor the academy with the budget of #150,000 to #1.5,000,000
Repost this flyer
Pray for more sponsors the same God that did this can do this for more people
To our sponsors , I have clamoring on this for years and I am glad it’s put into light
There are many people in need of digital skills education
If you are looking for ways to give back in this new season as a new year resolutions
Kindly please sponsor it will go a long way in people’s life
Account Details
Fcmb Bank
Pereira Oluwabimpe Miracle
As you make payment for sponsorship for free digital skills education , please send a payment receipt 🧾
Call / WhatsApp +2348147480036
Note we can receive in cyprtocurrency and usd
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